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Composing Render models

Render Models are meant to be composable. You can build bigger Render Models from smaller Render Models.

data class CheckboxRenderModel(
  val text: String,
  val isChecked: Boolean,
  val onToggle: () -> Unit

data class NotificationSettingsRenderModel(
  val messagePushNotification: CheckboxRenderModel,
  val promotionalPushNotifications: CheckboxRenderModel,
  val marketingEmailNotifications: CheckboxRenderModel,
  val saveSettingsButton: FooterButtonRenderModel

You can also do the same in your Render View layer.

class CheckboxRenderView(root: View) : RenderView<CheckboxRenderModel> {
  private val checkbox: Checkbox = root.findViewById(

  override val render: Renderer<CheckboxRenderModel> = Renderer { model ->
    checkbox.text = model.title
    checkbox.isChecked = model.isChecked
    checkbox.setOnCheckedListener {

class NotificationSettingsRenderView(root: View) : RenderView<NotificationSettingsRenderModel> {
  private val messagePushNotification = CheckboxRenderView(root.findViewById(
  private val promotionalPushNotifications = CheckboxRenderView(root.findViewById(
  private val marketingEmailNotifications = CheckboxRenderView(root.findViewById(
  private val saveButton = FooterButtonRenderView(root.findViewById(

  override val render: Renderer<NotificationSettingsRenderModel> = Renderer { model ->

Composing formulas

You can pass other formulas through the constructor

class MainPageFormula(
    val headerFormula: HeaderFormula,
    val listFormula: ListFormula,
    val dialogFormula: DialogFormula
) : Formula<> 

Use FormulaContext.child within Formula.evaluate to hook them up.

val listRenderModel = context
    .input {
            items = state.items,
            onItemSelected = context.onEvent<ItemSelected> { event ->
                // you can respond to child event

Here is a more complete example:

class MainPageFormula(
    val headerFormula: HeaderFormula,
    val listFormula: ListFormula,
    val dialogFormula: DialogFormula
) : Formula<Unit, MyState, MainRenderModel> {

    override fun Snapshot<Unit, MyState>.evaluate(): Evaluation<MainRenderModel> {
        // "context.child" returns a RenderModel 
        val listRenderModel = context.child(listFormula, createListInput(state))

        val headerRenderModel = context.child(headerFormula, createHeaderInput(state))

        // We can make decisions using the current `state` about 
        // what children to show
        val dialog = if (state.showDialog) {
            context.child(dialogFormula, Unit)
        } else {

        return Evaluation(
            output = MainRenderModel(
                header = headerRenderModel,
                list = listRenderModel,
                dialog = dialog